FREE TOOL: How To Supercharge Your Marketing!

Author:  Lori Petrosino

In this Report You Will Discover...

  • The Free Tool That's At Your Fingertips!

    The #1 FREE TOOL you have at your fingertips right now that you didn’t even know you had!

  • Which TOP Platforms To Use

    Discover the TOP platforms where you can start using the free tool starting today!

  • How To Effectively STAND OUT

    What to do and say to effectively stand out and get results from everyone you speak to.

I turned my smartphone into a profit center ... and so can you!

Have you been trying to grow  a business?

If so,  you already know you need multiple ways to connect with your prospective customers.

How have your current methods for reaching new prospects been working out for you?

Some business owners think it’s a good idea to try ‘all types of marketing’ to see what sticks, but having too many marketing methods working at one time is actually detrimental.

That is because if you scatter your efforts, it’s not likely you will not build momentum.

This applies to every type of business, whether it's a service, a physical product, software, web based product or informational.

Expert business owners know that being laser focused on one method at a time before adding another, is how you’ll see results.

For instance, you have probably heard the saying that "people join people they know, like and trust."

So how do you build rapport, and stand apart from other competitors in your industry?

More importantly, how do you stand out from all the ‘noise’ they experience so they can hear YOU?

Literally right now at your fingertips, is a 100% free tool you can use, that will put you leaps ahead of your competition who probably don’t even know about  this free tool, or use it…

…and that guarantees you will stand out in a crowded marketplace when unwanted ‘messaging’ about your business isn’t very effective, not to mention impersonal.

Okay you’ve been patient, so here it is:

It’s called the audio message tool, and it’s 100% free to use!

If you have Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Whats App, Telegram, Skype and other platforms which use a microphone, YOU'VE HAD ACCESS TO IT THIS WHOLE TIME!

(It’s the microphone icon in the messaging area)

  • Have you ever used it?
  • Do you know how to use it?
  • Do you know how to use it effectively to get results?
  • Do you know what to say?
  • Do you know who to talk to?

Using audio message to reach someone is almost as personal as a phone  call, yet not as intimidating, because it allows you and your recipient to think before responding.

Audio messaging is another layer of personalization that not only allows you to stand out, but puts a voice to the face they see in your profile pic.

Hearing your voice, how you speak, and what you say, tells someone quite a lot and builds trust and rapport very quickly.

Did you know when doing text or email marketing, it takes an average of 9 times before most people feel trust toward taking action with someone they don’t know?

The reason why a Facebook LIVE and video marketing are so effective is because it greatly cuts down the number of times someone needs interaction with you  before they make a decision.

The trust factor builds up lightning fast because they can see and hear your sincerity.

If doing videos or a Facebook LIVE scares the heck out of you, then audio messaging is exactly what you need to be doing!

TIP: You can literally have what you want to say prewritten, so you feel  comfortable when sending an audio! (I can even show you how to practice).

It doesn’t get much easier than that.

How would you like to know exactly how to start a conversation with a brand-new person?
How would you like to know the right things to say to get them asking YOU for information?
How you can easily answer any question?
How you can generate leads all day long?
How you can use this free tool to build large organizations, and how to easily teach this method to your team?

You have an invaluable tool at your fingertips, but have you been using it?

Being able to implement this free marketing strategy the right way is crucial if you want results.

I have used this recruiting method since it became available and have been able to successfully build teams in the thousands in any business endeavor I set my mind to.

I have used it to become a top earner in 4 separate companies, and to be on the leader board in many others, because when used correctly, it works every time!

 How I came to discover this method:

When I first began trying to earn a living online over 10 years ago, I didn't know what I was doing. I did it all wrong from the beginning because I didn’t have anyone to guide me. 

I spent money I didn’t have on traffic methods that didn’t work, and had nothing to show for it in the end but debt.

Still, I COULDN'T give up. For 2 years I suffered from severe nerve damage and was working 12-hour days with a 3-hour commute. I knew I couldn’t sustain that kind of schedule, but I still needed to make money!

I was becoming very depressed because I couldn’t see a way out, I was in pain, and greatly in debt. 

Moreover, I truly felt an online or home business was the ticket to my freedom, but just needed to figure out a way to make it work.

Enter 2012, when Hurricane Sandy ploughed through the southern coastline of New Jersey and destroyed my home, AND the 18-year-old business I’d built... thus destroying my livelihood.

In a matter of one day, I lost everything.

I was in shock. I felt torn. I couldn’t go back to building a business that was making me suffer, but my online business hadn’t been working!

I was at a complete crossroad, not knowing what to do, or what direction to take.

It was at that point that I had to make a decision.

I asked myself: “Do I rebuild a business I am desperately trying for years to get out of…?

…or do I forge ahead with my dream of working from home even though I am failing miserably at it for so long?”

It was during this time with no home and living in temporary residence, that I made the scariest decision of my life.

I WOULD NOT go backwards!

I would forge ahead and make my dream of working from home a reality – NO MATTER WHAT!

I’ll tell you what... when you feel you have no other options, and you set a real intention, it puts things into motion within you and surrounding you, that cannot be stopped.

So, here’s how I did it:

I knew I would have results if I could just get my message in front of real people.

But there was no way I could spend any more money on marketing if I didn’t know what I was doing, so I had to find free methods, and the only thing I could think of was social media.

So I used free methods on social media to generate leads and started to have some results.

One sale, another sale, one team member, another team member and so on.

Audio messaging took things to another level for me, but it also took some testing in order for people to be responsive.

I even gave up that method for a while until I discovered the magic formula!

 FIRST EVER Course Teaching This Strategy! 

I’ve taught this 100% free marketing method in private LIVE seminars before, but haven't documented the process... until now!

If you are not having the results you want, audio messaging is how you can do it.

I know you can do it, because when all the odds were against me, I DID IT!

I’ve put together an exclusive blueprint that lays out simple, step-by-step guidelines on exactly how you can become a MASTER at audio messaging!

It's called Audio Message Mastery ™ and if you are reading this, you are hearing about it FIRST!

Now you’ll know exactly what to do to effectively to create influence every time.

Just imagine what could happen if you used audio messaging to re-engage or connect with EXISTING acquaintances!

What You'll Get From This EXCLUSIVE Blueprint

Lifetime Access to POWERFUL scripts
Easy video tutorials
My exclusive conversion tips
The magic 10-word sentence
How to find targeted people to talk to
Free access to ALL course updates forever! (pre-launch phase)

 Other people will wonder how your doing it!

This course will sell for $297, and in the future will be a $47 monthly subscription, and will be well worth it…

…but when you order today, you get LIFE-TIME access to the course, and ALL course updates forever, with a one-time pre-order special of $147!

That is a discount of over 50%!

If you can see yourself on the leader board of your company, and you are sick of paying for traffic that doesn’t work…

and you are still wondering how to find people to join your business, then this is the solution.

Get your blueprint copy now before the price goes up.

It’s time to use this free tool combined with MASTER expert conversion techniques to put you on the fast track to success, and living your best life!

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